12 Lessons from 12 Years of Marriage: Lessons 10-12 (Part 1)

lessons marriage prayer Jan 02, 2019


So 12 years of marriage you ask? That's right!

I know you can't believe I'm that old, but, my husband and I celebrated 12 years of marriage this past September. I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to reflect on some of the lessons that I've learned in this time.

If you've listened to the podcast before, you've heard me talk about marriage quite a bit.  And, of course, the first word in WifeMotherLeader is wife. 

In this series (4 episodes) I am going to share some lessons that I wish I had known I'm starting out and just some lessons that you learned along the way to build a healthy and strong and vibrant marriage.

In Part 1 (podcast episode #15), I focus on lessons 10-12. 

  • Lesson 12: Change Yourself.  Don't try to change your husband. 
  • Lesson 11: Being vulnerable helps you be understood
  • Lesson 10: Cheerleading is a skill you must learn

Tune into the episode to hear specific examples for each of these lessons and learn how you might apply them to your own marriage. 



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