Reviewing My Progress on 2019 Goals: A 90 Day Check-In
In today’s show, I am taking inventory of the first 3 months of 2019. This year, I want to make a habit of checking in with myself every 90 days (quarterly) to see how I am tracking against the goals that I set for myself for the year.
I set goals in multiple areas of life: Spiritual, Financial, Health, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Development, and Relationships.
I'll review each area briefly, starting with my PUSH Goal. This is a concept I learned from Michael Hyatt in a goal-setting course. A push goal isn't necessarily your most important goal, but it is the goal that will have the biggest impact if you can achieve it. It can start a domino effect to help you achieve your other goals.
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- PUSH Goals: Plan meals each week and track food daily
- What is going well:
- Planning Meals!
- I did meet with a registered dietitian and that has superseded the tracking goals, in that it’s taking a long time to get my meals planning to make sure that I am getting the 3 macronutrients correct (carbs, healthy fat and lean protein) at every meal.
- Could be improved
- Not tracking daily. I’ve gotten better and am tracking multiple days per week, but not daily.
- Macronutrients for the kids for each meal
- Better lunches
- So, I would give myself a B here
- Marriage
- Date night 2 times per month (1 out and 1 in)
- Be intimate at least 2 times per week
- Less screen time--we cut out screens for the kids during the week and as a result, we cut our own screen time
- Grade: A-
- Parenting
- GOod
- Screen time--cut during the week
- More interactions--games and playing
- Better playing with each other
- More creative and talkative
- Pray for Jeremiah, Simeon, and Joanna every day
- Patience and approach to them is much improved
- Do at least 1 learning activities with each child per week
- Grade: A-
- Financial
- Good
- Additional life insurance, separate disability
- Building emergency fund
- Strong giving
- Could be improved
- Lots of transitions, so behind on this goal
- Pay off--haven’t really gotten a good handle on that
- Monthly budgeting meeting
- Grade: B-/C+
- Health
- Working out 3-4 days per week
- Lost 6 pounds since the start of the year
- Changing food options
- Role Modeling for our kids
- Feel good
- Look good in my clothes
- Self-care: consistent, good sleep
- Grade A
- Work
- Stress has increased
- Working on a longer-term project that has a potential impact
- Speaking up more about important topics
- Grade: A
- Spiritual:
- Reading consistently the past month
- Not spending enough quiet time
- Grade: B
- Relationships
- Not in regular contact as much as I’d like
- Have made some trips and have more upcoming:
- B
- WifemotherLeader
- Podcast: B+
- Flash Briefing: B+
- Social Media: C-
- Live Show: Postponed
- Speaking:
- 1 done
- 1 Upcoming
- Overall: B